To start with, here is a poem I had penned on 22nd December '99. Ages ago. It was a very boring afternoon when I had written it. That day remains etched in my memory.
I start my first blog with this 'cos it somehow defines what I intend to do with this blog thing. So here goes:
What is to be done on a day like this?
When time moves at a very slow rate.
When the sky is cloudy and grey,
Things appear so boring and desolate.
Tell me what to do, of Friend.
There is nothing, I think, I want to do.
Sleep is but a passing cloud,
Books are very boring too.
"This is what arises when,
There are gaps between thoughts," you say?
Now I know, dear friend,
What is to be done on a boring day.
Pick up a pen and paper,
And write down what you think you must.
Then I tell you dear friend,
Boredom will be crushed to dust.
What you write will remain,
As memories they will last.
As you write your thoughts,
Time will seem to pass very fast.
"What is to be done on a day like this?"
On a future date if you ask.
You can read your written lines,
Spending time wont be a tough task.
(P.S. When I wrote the first two stanzas, I showed it to Ravi Kiran, a friend sitting next to me. He defined creativity as follows: Creativity arises when there are gaps between thoughts. So that finds a mention here.
This poem is with thanks to Ravi Kiran. A great chap. A very controlled bundle of energy he used to be. )
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