Tuesday, November 07, 2006


This was something I was thinking of some days back. Guess that is what blogs are meant for. Putting of record all that you think about. So here goes. Evolution!
I believe in evolution. That we are the descendents of apes who came down from trees for some unknown reason does make sense. That all creatures that we see around have evolved from primitive life forms, that were nothing like their descendents today, seems the obvious thing.
We learn and grow. So too species learn and become better species. Just like men learn and become better men, so also animals become better animals. Birds become better birds. Dogs better dogs and even donkeys better donkeys. Simple.
But has evolution reached it's final stage? Have we reached a time and level where we cannot evolve any further? That is the question that makes for some interesting thought.
I believe that the answer is no. Look at yourself. Are you perfect? I am not. And I do not think anyone of us is. And as I understand, since there is still scope for men to become better, so we will. We will evolve further.
The entire process starts from the very elements, atoms. A simple hydrogen atom vibrates harder to become helium. That tries to touch a higher energy level. So on and so forth, all the elements in the periodic table are formed.
To gain even higher energy levels, elements combine to form compounds. More and more complex compounds are formed. Gradually it takes the form of life forms. Life forms evolve into more complex life forms. First aquatic, the amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. They branch out find out which is the best way of evolving. Some felt that water was the place to be and they became better fishes. Others tool to the land and some to the air. They tried to gain greater energy. They ate plants or each other. All to gain energy. To get higher.
That is the name of the game.

And as we see today, man seems to be the most powerful being on this planet. Reason being that we are harnessing the energies of all types of elements available to make ourselves more powerful. We use tools. We use animals. We are trying to use the Sun, the Seas and the Wind to gain more energy. That is what makes man the most dominant life form on this planet.

Even as men we have evolved. From ape men we formed civilisations. We travelled to better lands that would give us more energy from better food. One civilisation subdued other civilisation to prove to one and all that their's was the right way of evolving. Conquering, converting. All ways of proving the might. Proving higher energy. And the way ahead.

And now? Now we are proving to others with better technology. Advanced research. Showing off our mental abilities. How we can bring more and more elements in our power and grow. So the most technologically advanced civilisation is considered most powerful and all try to emulate that civilisation.

Having come to this stage, what is the way ahead? How does man evolve further?

Answer is very simple. The answer lies in the very elements. Elements had to come together. And rise to the next level.
We too have to do that. The next step in evolution is the unification of mankind. Man can go to the next level only if they make up their minds to unite. COme together and raise the level of energy of the entire community. That will take us to the next level.

Practically speaking it involves imparting the knowledge to our children. Better education, that is the first step. So that the future generations are up to date on the advances that we have made so far and can then take it to the next level.
Teach them civility. Teach them community living. Share best practices.
This is not just to the children of today. It is also to be shared with those who are not civilised. Let all be brought up the curve. In terms of knowledge. We can go ahead only when all men are at par.
It is only once that we all come together, that we can go further.

Evolution is simply the coming together of elements and they moving up to the next energy level together.

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