Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lessons from life!!!

There is a page in my diary. I have turned to this page many times over.
The page is titled "Lessons from life". Here I keep adding one liners. I call them lessons from life. And I think they are some of the most important lessons that I have learnt.

  1. GOD KNOWS!!!
  2. Nobody is perfect.... Neither am I.
  3. There are no "accidents" in life.
  4. Every day, every moment is a learning experience. Watch out!!!
  5. Your will never get what you desire. You will only get what you deserve.
  6. Be satisfied with what you are now. You could not have been better off nor worse off.
  7. Everything happens for your own good.
  8. You never fail. It is another stepping stone to success.
  9. The world is a mirror. It reflects what you think, reacts to your actions and echoes your words.
  10. You have not lost till you have quit the game. So play on.

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